Wednesday 19 December 2012

Santa's Little Hampers

Anthony braves the cold
Well, not so little - quite a substantial hamper actually! 

This was a wonderful collaboration between our incomparable helpmate Tiffany Childs (who collated our luxury christmas hamper containing £100 worth of seasonal goodies) and your Brockley Society Tree Wardens and Brockley Society helpers. 

The weather held and Saturday 8th December dawned frosty and bright. Tickets fairly flew from our hands and by the end of the day we had raised a magnificent £247 which will be used for a street tree related project in the coming year. 

Staffed from 10 am to 2 pm by a succession of Brockley Society volunteers and your unflagging Tree Wardens we were heartened to talk to many of you about your appreciation of our local trees and your concerns about their maintenance and replacement. There is clearly a lot of interest and good will out there. 

Thank you all for your support and encouragement, and congratulations to Ian whose winning ticket was selected at the end of the day. 

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